sobriety and fulfilment

Why Choose Sobriety? Here Are 3 Good Reasons

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SoCal Detox

SoCal Detox editorial contributors include writers, editors, mental health and substance abuse treatment professionals who are trained to create credible and authoritative health information that is accurate, informative, and easy to understand.

Traditionally, you have until the epiphany to take down your holiday decorations. It falls 12 days after Christmas (the 12 days of Christmas occur during this time period). But leaving the house lights up after that is bad form. So like many things in life, there is a pause before moving on. On to the next season, on to the next holiday, on to the changes of the New Year. Just like the changing of the season, it’s possible you are in a life pause that coincides with the shifting calendar. You know you that you are lacking fulfillment and need a change of direction but aren’t sure what that actually looks like.

Finally deciding to reach out and get help for a substance use disorder is one of the most courageous acts a person can do. There are many fears and insecurities that are involved in the decision. However, once people find recovery, they finally realize that the grass is actually greener without addiction. Life has more meaning and fulfillment than they could have imagined.

In the past, we have talked about the enjoyment aspect of life once a person has been freed from drug or alcohol addiction. But the fulfillment of a life in recovery goes beyond fun. It includes some of the most important aspects of existence; here are three of them.

  1. Fulfillment in Relationships

Let’s start at one of the most important. Relationships without drugs are how relationships were meant to be. Imagine not having to lie to the people you love. Imagine having more time and attention. Imagine simply caring more. After you have gotten clean, you probably have some reconciliation to do. However, with good treatment, you will learn how to handle that and more. You will learn how to heal the damage that has been done, and in some cases start anew. But for now, know that life after drugs and alcohol is better for your relationships. Your friends, your family, your spouse, all of these people deserve you—clean, sober, and committed.

  1. Fulfillment in Interests and Passions

When your brain started making the dopamine hit from drugs the most important thing in your life, you lost interest in everything else. This is simply one of the ways that drug and alcohol addiction steals life away. You have interests. In fact, you have activities, hobbies, and even spiritual activities that make life worth living. Imagine getting interested in your first loves again. Maybe you loved the outdoors. Maybe you were an artist. Maybe you were passionate about knitting scarves for hairless kittens. Whatever it was, it helped you live deeply. After drugs or alcohol, you will discover these things again, and be better for it.

  1. Financial Fulfillment

Now consider the costs. The price of maintaining an addiction can be catastrophic. Plus, the cost grows with time. Every person with an addiction builds tolerances to the substance they use, so they have to buy more and more. It’s not uncommon for someone with an addiction to be chained to a 100-dollar-a-day habit. This is why crime is common and legal fees tend to mount. Beyond that, there is the reality of job loss and multiple other financial drains. Now imagine saving all that money. Imagine being able to pay rent—on time every month. Imagine keeping your job and even advancing in the workplace. All of this is possible.

Full Recovery

You have more money. You have a renewed interest in the things that bring you joy. Your relationships are on the mend and more meaningful than ever. You are fully prepared to live life. This is recovery.

SoCal Detox, the First Step in Recovery

A high-quality detox is the first step in finding full recovery. SoCal Detox is a premier drug and alcohol detox facility in San Clemente, California, and our detox programs are proven to work, with efficiency and safety. Our experienced treatment staff creates an individualized detox treatment plan that will fit your unique specific needs and give you the best chance of sustaining your sobriety for the long run.

Call one of our addiction specialists to start the admissions process today: 888-590-0777.

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