Desoxyn Addiction

Prescription Crystal Meth: Desoxyn Addiction

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Desoxyn is one of the most addictive drugs a doctor can prescribe. It’s a brand name methamphetamine used to treat extreme instances of obesity or ADHD. The drug is highly addictive, and used only when all other treatment methods fail. 

Desoxyn Addiction: Prescription Crystal Meth 

Some people refer to Desoxyn as legal crystal meth. It’s the only prescription methamphetamine, and its chemical makeup is essentially the same as crystal meth. Because the drug is hard to obtain, it’s highly-valued as a street drug. 

Signs of Addiction 

There are several mental and physical side effects that can indicate an addiction. For example, psychotic or bipolar behavior is a possible sign. The drug can cause delusions, mania, and hallucinations. Addicts also commonly develop uncharacteristic signs of aggression. They might become violent against their children, spouse, friends, and other family members. 

A person addicted to Desoxyn may also experience extreme weight loss in a short period of time. Although the drug is used to treat obesity, overuse can cause a person to lose the weight at an alarming rate. The drug can also stunt the growth of young adults and cause damage to the brain. There’s also the possibility of dangerous cardiovascular issues. These issues include dangerously high blood pressure, quickened pulse, stroke, and heart attack. 

Options for Treatment 

Substance use disorder treatment usually involves behavior modification and medications. But in the case of Desoxyn, there are currently no medications approved to manage the withdrawal symptoms of Desoxyn, because of that the detox should be highly monitored. Antidepressants may help with some of the psychological aspects of detox and a strong focus on behavior modification and counseling is the optimal treatment for addiction to the drug. 

The goal of behavior modification is to change an individual’s attitudes and ideas about drugs and the root causes for their compulsion to use. Group therapy, counseling, and other therapies are common methods. Overwhelmingly, evidence shows that a residential detox/treatment program (that continues into inpatient therapy) is the best option for lasting recovery. A center can provide support groups, a safe drug-free environment, education, and 12-step (or similar) programs. Some detox facilities even have focus on stabilization and preparation (see this article on SoCal Detox’s unique DCAP program) to give their clients the best shot at the next step toward recovery.

Behavior modification is most successful in a rehab center. The combination of experienced professional staff, medical monitoring for safety, a stable drug-free environment, peer support, and in-house team to guide you thorough the entire process and create an individualized plan for your next phase of recovery is the best option for long term health and sobriety.

Desoxyn Detox and Hope for Recovery 

If you or someone you love has a Desoxyn, methamphetamine, or any other drug or alcohol addiction, there is hope for recovery. The desire to get better combined with a reputable residential treatment center is a great start. If you need any help or just have some questions about what detox and addiction treatment looks like, call SoCal Detox today. One of our addiction specialists will be happy to give you a free consult and help you find the right option for you and you specific needs. Call today: 888-590-0777.

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